Here are a Few Common Testing and Product Quality Challenges We Solve
- Customers (especially the most significant) are thinking about leaving.
- Firefighting and patching critical problems (regression patterns) have risen over the past few months.
- Shift-Left, CD, Agile/agile or Testing In Production (TIP) mandates have left testing gaps we don't know how to resolve.
- No clear understanding of how to prioritize test strategies.
- No attempt to understand what is working and what isn't.
- Lack of visibility, evaluation and evidence into the quality of testing effort.
- Coverage being inadequate is hurting product activity and use, but testing costs must be affordable.
- Automation and testing tools do not meet the advertised standards or expectations we are after.
- Testing is a bottleneck and slows us down.
What does a successful Dark Testing strategy look like?
A successful Dark Testing strategy reveals the best testing strategy coverage mix for your software product by optimizing for maximum speed, the least cost, and the smallest team size.
The Result?
A robust, comprehensive testing solution that achieves the highest possible ROI.